Northeast STEN Mk.5 GBB

NORTHEAST在去年出品的STEN-MKII,在2020年再度推出Mk.5款式,比照前作採全鋼材設定及橫置式出氣彈匣,加上比照實槍結構及原木設定,喜愛鋼槍加木件的玩家又有福了!雖然英軍武器在玩具槍產業算是大冷門,但是東北製作所仍然不惜成本的把它量產出來,在各項細節等均忠實呈現,下面就來看看這把STEN MK.5的經典所在吧!

Northeast Airsoft will release the STEN MK.5, with real wood furniture, in 2020. Like the STEN MK.2, released by Northeast Airsoft last year, it features a full steel exterior design and side-fed gas magazine. We don’t see many airsoft replicas of British Army issued small arms, despite the wide range of weapons they deployed, fulfilling many battlefield roles. Let’s check what makes THIS a vintage airsoft replica that you can’t miss.

NorthEastは去年でSTEN-MK IIを発売し、2020年で再びMK.5というモデルを発売しました。この製品は前作と同じく、材質はオールスチールを採用し、横挿しのガスマガジンを採用しただけでなく、更に実銃と同じく、木製材質も採用しましたので、スチールプラス木製の銃が大好きなプレイヤーには大満足間違いなし!イギリス軍の武器は、エアソフトガン業界では稀に見る製品ですが、NorthEastはそれでも製品化し、細部も忠実に再現しました。ここで、このSTEN MK.5の注目に値する長所をご紹介します。

就真槍STEN MK5相比MK2來說。MK5改進了握把設定及固定托設計,加上垂直前握把,就連造型上都能看出美軍M1A1的影子!當然東北製作所在這方面也是比照實物採吋生產的!

Where the MK.5 certainly improves on the MK.2 is the addition of a wooden stock and grips, which almost makes it give off a US M1A1 Thompson vibe. The dimensions are measured from the real steel STEN, so you can be sure of this replica’s attention to detail.

実銃のSTEN MK5はMK IIと比べて、MK5はクリップと固定式ストックを採用し、更に垂直のフロントクリップを採用し、外見はアメリカ軍のM1A1に似ています。もちとん、これら部品は実銃通りのサイズで制作されました。


Aside from the wooden furniture, the MK.5 and Mk.2 do look similar. However, the receivers are different. The STEN MK.5 is very handy and easy to control, because of the grips provided.

MK5とMK IIは一見似ていますが、実はローアーレシーバーは全く違います。MK5がクリップがあるだけで、握りやすさは格段よくなりました。MK5とMK IIのレシーバーはもちろん互換性はありません。


Before the STEN MK.5 can be fired, the user is required to, as with the MK.2: flip up the magazine housing, put in the barrel nut catch and plunger.

MK5はMK IIと同じく、射撃する前に、まず弾倉入りを左側へ回し、更にハンドカード止めと弾倉入り止めを押し入れしなければなりません。


Steel and wooden parts are key features to airsoft collectors. Most important of all, this is also the ONLY choice of collecting a full steel GBB with wooden furniture, directly out of factory, exclusive of AK series.



The wooden parts are very true to the real steel version, because the choice of wood and dyeing were serious concerns. The fore grip is not an optional part; no need to buy it separately.



The reproduction of the grips was obtained by measuring from real steel parts. The grips provide better ergonomic handling compared to the MK.2.

MK IIの細い鉄管と比べて、木製クリップは握りにくさの短所を改善し、クリップの外見ももちろん実銃を考証しました。


The one-piece wooden stock is covered in a water-proof wax. After wiping off any excess factory-finished wood wax oil, you’ll be left with an even nicer looking wooden stock, of the quality you would expect of a Japanese-made replica. On top of that, the end plate of stock is made of copper, like the real thing. This is true craftsmanship from Northeast Airsoft.


不過全實木加上全鋼設定,讓STEN MK5重量接近4公斤,可說是相當具有份量的!

This is a HEAVY gun though, weighing in at approximately 4KG, because of the steel and wooden parts.

ただ、オールスチールプラス木製を採用したため、STEN MK5の重量は4キロ近くもあり、かなりの重さがあります。


Like the MK.2, this fires from an open bolt. You can pull up the cocking handle into this notch to make the STEN safe.

操作性もMK IIと同じく、オープンボルトを採用。更に、ボルトレバーを上に移動させれば、安全装置になります。


You can also make it safe when the bolt is closed; just push in the cocking handle when it’s in the forward position.



This isn’t a malfunction. The cocking handle locks the breech block to the receiver, stopping it from moving.



It really is a fabulous addition for hardcore airsoft collectors! All the parts for the adjustable front sight are made of steel and stamped with lots of markings.



There’s even a marking in the rear of the front sight!



The barrel nut (hand guard) is secured by a heavy-duty thread, like the MK.2 STEN.



Another marking underneath the front sight! It shows the serial number for this particular part instead of the whole gun, like the real steel STEN MK.5.



Look at that old school “QD” bayonet lug. I wonder if it inspired the QD design of modern suppressors. The spike bayonet is probably only available in the UK now. I’m pretty sure it is not available from Northeast Airsoft.



What bravery! Charging the enemy with a bayonet like this on the battlefield in WWII.



Take a closer look at the stamps on the spike bayonet.



The steel parts are stamped and welded, as solid as a rock like the MK.2 STEN.

銃本体はプレス溶接加工を採用したので、MK IIと同じく、耐用性は抜群!


Shooting the MK.5 compared to the MK.2 feels quite different, because of the pistol grip which makes it more controllable.

クリップが増えたため、使用感はMK IIより向上、射撃の感覚も少しちがいます。


Firing mode is also selectable like MK.2.



A close look at the M/78 marking and serial number on the underside of the magazine housing.



A closeup of the serial number on the stock.



It’s so detailed, not even letting the smallest markings go amiss!



This copper end plate is a decent vintage reproduction. The cover lid can be flipped up, but it is a little difficult to do.



The hop up can be adjusted after disassembling the front end by unsecuring the barrel nut.



The rate of fire of the MK.5 is higher than the MK.2. This is because the travel distance of the breech block is shorter, compared to the MK.2.

ボルトはスチール製ではありません。ボルトの構造はMK IIと同じですが、MK5のローアーレシーバーは比較的短いので、ボルトの空間も短くなり、射撃速度も速くなりました。


Here is how the STEN looks field-stripped. The front end is interchangeable with other STEN guns. Hopefully, we’ll see the suppressed MK5(MK6) in the future, however the suppressor is not available yet.

Hopefully, we’ll see the suppressed MK5(MK6) in the future, however the suppressor is not available yet. 製品は大体この状態まで分解できます。前部は他のSTENモデルの製品に交換することができますが、現時点では別売りされておりません。今後は更にサイレンサー付きのモデルに改造することができるかもしれません。


It looks like an antique, aged by history, when the spike bayonet is fixed.


可別以為STEN是短小精幹的小伙子,相比M14 SHORTY來說,加上刺椎的長度一點都不短啊!

Comparison with an M14 Shorty. Don’t you think that the MK.5 with a bayonet is absolutely not a “shorty” at all?

STENは短くて取り回しがいい銃ではありません。スパイクを装着した長さは、M14 SHORTYとほぼ同じです。

STEN MK.5在英軍歷史上能見度不高,除了在二戰末期配發給傘兵之外,現代就只剩印尼跟馬來西亞還能看見,但是對無法買實物的亞洲玩家來說,能擁有這把STEN MKV可說已經相當難得了,畢竟其售價相當合理,全鋼加實木設定外,就算不打掛在牆上都能當作一把古董啊!

For the collector in Asia, ownership of real steel is banned in many places. However, Northeast Airsoft’s version of the MK.5 is available in many of those same locales. It truly can be regarded as an antique rather than just another “gun on the wall”. The length of service wasn’t very long for the MK.5, as we know. It was only issued to British paratroopers during WWII, and also turned up in the conflicts in Indonesia and Malaysia.

STEN MK5はイギリス軍の歴史の中では、あまり表に出ていませんでした。第二次世界大戦の末期で空挺部隊に配備された他、現代ではインドネシアとマレーシアでしか見かけません。しかし、実銃が購入不可能のアジアマニアにとって、このSTEN MK5を手に入れるだけでも、すごく珍しいことです、何せ販売価格は合理的でありますし、オールスチールプラス木製でありますので、壁に掛かっていなくても、これは骨董品にもなれます!

說到STEN MK5不能不提到,唯一在電影中出現最多的就屬史恩康納萊在1977年這部電影:『A Bridge Too Far/奪橋遺恨』,雖然是至今超過40年的電影,但是也是史上真實動員30000人跳傘實拍的電影,抱著老槍看著老片也算是對老兵的致意了吧!原作可至Youtube觀看(點選連結,英語無字幕)觀看。

When I first laid eyes on the STEN MK.5, the scenes of 30,000 paratroopers jumping out of planes in the movie, “A Bridge Too Far”(Youtube Link), filmed 40 years ago, came to my mind. It was a pleasure to watch the film while holding Northeast Airsoft’s STEN MK.5 GBB. 

ENG Edited by Sebastian/Dan Owen (

STEN MK5と言えば、唯一数多く登場し、ショーン・コネリーが主演した1977年の映画「遠すぎた橋」を忘れちゃいけません。この映画は既に40数年前の映画ですが、映画史上実際に3万人を動員して、空挺降下を行った映画でもありますので、古い銃を抱えて古い映画を鑑賞するのは、老兵への尊敬ともいえるでしょう。なお、この作品は現在Youtubeで鑑賞できます(英語、字幕なし)。(日本語編輯:Jubei Fang)